TopMail Signature & Disclaimer
With conova TopMail Signature and Disclaimer, you can quickly and easily create uniform e-mail signatures and e-mail disclaimers for your entire company. This allows you to create a professional appearance for all outgoing e-mails with your corporate design. These standard templates can easily be managed via your TopMail control panel.

- Easy handling via user-friendly web interface
- Straightforward synchronization via integration of ActiveDirectory
- Optimized for mobile display
- Easy integration of image data, URLs and text files
- Import of existing disclaimers as HTML source text is possible
- Individual adaptation for individual users and groups possible
- Easy handling thanks to the preview function
- No costly investments in your own infrastructure required
TopMail Signature & Disclaimer | Set-up costs (one-time expense) | price per user per month |
up to 24 Users | upon request | upon request |
up to 99 Users | upon request | upon request |
up to 249 Users | upon request | upon request |
up to 499 Users | upon request | upon request |
500+ Users | upon request | upon request |
• TopMail SV is required to use TopMail Signature & Disclaimer.
• Monthly billing is based on the amount of system users – group and alias addresses and alias domains are not counted.
• Additional TopMail Services can be activated in the control panel. Please note that if this is not a free trial, these services are subject to a charge and will be invoiced from the time of activation.
Contract details:
• Minimum contract period 36 months.
• Errors and changes reserved.